Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spinning Colors

I spent the bulk of today putting earrings onto cards for my rotating display that will be in my booth at the market. There's actually much more to it than first meets the eye. First you have to cut up your cardstock into consistent sizes (using your papercutter), then stamp on your logo, attach a plastic piece to the backs so that the card will be able to grab onto your display, poke two holes into the card, put your earrings through, and then slide on the rubber backings so that the jewelry doesn't fall off. It took a good chunk of time, but I ended up with roughly 100 pairs of earrings and a killer display that I am very pleased with. Sure beats my display from last year!


  1. did you do that fancy little picture in photoshop?? i love it!

  2. Sure did. But my 30 day trial is over! How horrible! Now i'll have to learn Gimp...
