Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just to be sure...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Away for a Week
Sunup Jewelry won't be at the Saturday Market this weekend. Instead, I'll be selling my jewels at a 5-day festival near Seattle - here's hoping for a bright turn-out!
I have started posting a few things to my little ETSY site, and will try to build it up more when I get back from my trip. Find it here:
I can hardly believe there are only 4 weeks left until a 2 month break! [No Market during Jan/Feb] Whatever will I do?!
See you in a week!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New Stuff
From there I went home and busted out a whole bunch of glass in one tiny little hour. Lately, I admit, it has become slightly mundane making glass. I have been clinging to certain designs so much that I have exhausted my motivation to find more color combinations of the same pattern/shape. But yesterday was different - I made new stuff, I let myself make whatever I wanted. And since the kiln was still a tad warm this morning, I spent all day at the market getting excited about opening it up upon my arrival home.
Ok fine, I also spent most of the day shivering. It is certainly starting to feel winter-y. Almost time to get out the propane heater for the weekends outdoors selling.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Write it Out
Suddenly, everything seems to be going well.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Last Chances
Friday, November 6: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 7: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (25 percent discount all day)
Sunday, November 8: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (50 percent discount and bag sales all day)
Also, here is a little ditty about my stuff jumping into Splurge: Click This!
Well, it has been a rare, challenging week for glass; I've had two full kiln loads not turn out well. They will each have to be re-fired. Things haven't been heating evenly, or for long enough, plus I've been doing a little experimenting which is always tricky. All of these things added together have put me a little behind this week. Oy! But I suppose things can't always turn out perfectly. Next week will surely be better!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Can You Move Your Horns, Please? They're, like, totally in my way
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Playing Catch-Up
The beginning of October was filled with surprisingly good weekends at the Saturday Market. My display racks have been less than full for a little while and I find myself constantly playing catch-up to restock my wares during the week.
I put a batch of jewelry into Splurge, which happens to be one of the most adorable little gift stores in town. It was started by a bunch of market vendors a few years ago and houses a significant amount of market products. Check it out!
Quickly, I sped through 'The Time Traveller's Wife' which was rather phenomenal. I had a difficult time putting it down, which doesn't happen that often for me. Highly recommend it.
I'm planning on switching over from my website to etsy. That is, if I can just. get. started. on it.
Took a trip to the Tacoma Glass Museum in Washington; we had beautiful weather, free coffee and cookies at the rest stops, and were able to see some pretty impressive artwork. It's fun to try to think about how each piece was made.
Now I'm off to a wedding in Dallas at the end of the week and will get to see the fam!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Love the Rain
Friday, September 18, 2009
Swift Magic
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The New Rummaging Schedule
And it is a mere 2 months away.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Escaping the Burn (of both theft and heat)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Little Things
Monday, August 10, 2009
Why don't we do the things that we know need to be done?
The new tree necklaces are still consistently selling, which makes me incredibly happy. AND a suprising thing happened this morning: I thought of a COMPLETELY new design for a necklace. Truly I'd thought I'd have a hard time coming up with a design that would trump the trees, and maybe this one won't - but maybe it will! Either way, it's going to take several firings, lots of glass powders, and will involve some techniques that I've never attempted. Nevertheless, I'm entirely excited.
Here's hoping for a productive and happy week!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Magical Encounter at the Shopeteria
I caught a glimpse of a cardboard box of new Coconut M&Ms.
"Coconut M&Ms?!" I said this aloud. I yelled it. I yelled it at the cashier; not even to him, but at him.
I was so taken by this new discovery that I'm not even sure what the poor chap mumbled in response to my outburst. The value of that little package of candy far exceeds the 89 cents that you part with at the register. They're even printed with little palm trees next to the 'M' on each one. I have never known a love quite like this.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Do they make fans for chickens?
Only just now did I remember a couple of fans that I'd tossed into the back of my closet - wow do they make a difference!
With another outstanding weekend at the market behind me I am finally finding myself with too little jewelry; there are many bare spots on my displays! Right now my kiln is just about cool enough to open (the best part!). Inside are 3 new wallhanging pieces, my first two sold this past weekend. Fortunately I share part of my studio space with a wood worker and I have been using his unwanted pieces to mount my glass upon. I'm hoping that I can convince him to collaborate with me on this 'wallhanging' category of product and create something custom to fit the theme of my pieces. I have big ideas. Big. Ideas.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Small Trees with Blue Peas
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Favorites
This week I made a new batch of tree pieces and tried out some little earrings (above). I'm quite fond of this tree design and am tempted to discontinue all other glass designs, but ultimately that could end up very poorly.
The Mississippi Street Fair went really well this past weekend; I was surpised at how many booths it consisted of, and only wished I had done more exploring.
My landlord/friend/housemate is out of town and consequently I have been tending to the chickens, among other things. I grew up with dairy cows, but we never kept chickens. Now that I'm growing accustomed to fresh eggs and beautiful chickens pacing around in the backyard, I think I just may always want to have them wherever 'home' is located.
Fortunately the weather has been gorgeous, and a visit from my younger sister has promted a scattering of visits to all of my favorite Portland places. In the past two days we've hit up Voodoo Doughnuts, NW 23rd Ave, Powells Books, Papa Haydn for coffee and desserts, Mother's Bistro, and the Kennedy School. We've made french toast using fresh eggs from the coop, eaten inexpensive sushi outside in the sun, and walked around town until the sweat secretly collected into drips under our clothes. My sister even made a glass ring which she is incredibly eager to fire in the kiln.
It should be a beautiful weekend and I'm excited to see everyone at the market once again. Maybe Judy (the Lavender Lady) and I will ditch our booths and take another tour around the market in one of the Rose Pedal bike wagons, as we did last week.
3 Years ago today I moved to Portland.
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Changing Scenery
Sunup Jewelry is taking a vacation from the Portland Saturday Market this weekend in exchange for a spot at the Mississippi Street Fair! I'll be stocked up on tree necklaces and excited to switch up my booth's living quarters for the day -- stop by for a visit on Saturday!
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Jumbled Rambling
Some people come into my booth at the market and pick up one of my glass pieces and I hear them say how hard the necklace or earrings would be to 'match with'. [Note: most of my jewelry isn't very hard to match with, in my opinion, but some of it is quite challenging.] I want to tell these people something along the lines of this: I don't expect you to try to match that jewel with one of your printed tops; I expect you to change your shirt.
This is probably the strongest reason I should have pursued silver jewelry...
Only kidding! I love glass like crazy and would never trade it for another medium! Actually, when I first became interested in glass jewelry, I considered most of it either tacky, or incapable of looking sophisticated. I'm incredibly particular about wearing glass accessories and feel very confident that I have created a product that can be worn well by a very large range of ages.
Though I suppose this topic is stuck in the land of subjectivity - this is all just my own little opinion.
It's going to be a ridiculously warm 4th of July. It was exactly (almost to the minute!) 5 years ago today that I rode on my first motorcycle and wound up in the emergency room, just hours before leaving for 6 months in New Zealand. Ahhh, memories...
I'll end this passage with a line from the book I recently started; it struck me and maybe it will strike your liking as well: "I felt like I could hear our stories inside us like noise." -from 'Among Other Things, I've Taken Up Smoking' by Aoibheann Sweeney.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wear a Tree and Create Some Fireworks
I moved into my new apartment/studio one month ago, and I still don't feel settled. I'm just 2 bookshelves and a trip to a clothing donation center short of being at home. It's the bookshelves that have me stumped. How tempting it is to give in and buy a new beautiful bookcase in the style and color that suits my liking. And yet, how equally tempting it is to buy the cheapest thing on Craigslist and make do until I'm in a house that's permanent. This dilemma has left me with piles of books and papers on the floor. And it's just a bookcase!
Here's hoping for more beautiful weather, a busy 4th of July at the market, and some fireworks in your life - whatever that may mean to you.
Friday, June 5, 2009
You Only Live Once
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Some Clouds Aren't Grey
I just got back from a little trip to Kaleidoscope Paint on Salmon Street. They have a section of interior paints for $10 per gallon! I picked up 3 new colors to paint my new basement apartment and can't wait to get started on it tomorrow! I've never painted my own place before and am eager to have an apartment whose atmosphere I can contribute to. I'm totally going to wake up at a reasonable hour tomorrow and start painting. Until then, I'll be restocking my wares, keeping the kiln on at all times, and finding the motivation to hit up the gym.
Happy Week!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
A span of 20 minutes
I passed one house that had a little sign posted on the lawn stating how their place was protected by such-and-such security system and whatnot. In front of the sign they'd placed a vicious looking plastic dinosaur, which, obviously is the appropriate thing to do.
Next, I passed a school playground where one kid was wearing a bright yellow jacket, and skin-tight shiny gold leggings/pants. Damn.
This was followed by a snippit of conversation I overheard between a guy and girl in their early 20's -ish. The girl was telling the guy about someone she was living with and how she knew that if she kicked him out he'd end up in jail. "And, like, I know it's not my fault and all; it's no one's fault..."
Um, actually I bet is was someone's fault.
Man, I love Portland.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Reactive Glass
But this is typical me: get an idea in your head and then jump on it prematurely. I only just saw the place yesterday and already I've got my heart set on it. Feeling desperate for more living/working space can make you become pretty .. impulsive.
This past weekend was the first trial of our new location on the waterfront park for the Saturday market. I ended up in the 'Dead Zone' for Saturday, which kind of ruined my weekend... and no, I did not do a good job of keeping my chin up and brushing off one bad day; I gave in to it and panicked. However, I just looked at the calendar and was reminded that May has 5 weekends, so maybe my end-of-the-month finances will turn out okay after all. Not having a guaranteed paycheck can be so stressful sometimes.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Mini Botanical Collection
Friday, April 17, 2009
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Mass-produced the slow way
Um.... how should I answer this.... EW! NO!
What an awful idea. Not only do I steer clear of the particular shape that those little "perfect heart" holepunchers make, but it wouldn't really scream 'handmade' to do it that way. I love each of my little hearts and there's simply no way that I would ever want to resort to a mini cookie cutter. And no, maybe my earrings sets don't have two identical heart clones, but that's part of their charm!
I'd like to shake the soul whose mind suggested a holepuncher while yelling, "You just don't get it, do you?!"
Yes, Fight Club IS my favorite movie, how did you know?
Although, the idea of becoming violent towards someone over some little red heart earrings seems a little... silly (but very, very justified, don't you think?).
Friday, April 3, 2009
NEW Fused Glass Buttons!
Then there is the question of price. Technically, two big buttons are comprised of more glass and are more time-consuming to make than a necklace, but how much is someone really going to pay for two buttons?!
This is all very tricky to me. And, as usual, I'll just have to test it out and see how it goes. The good thing is that it opens up a huge area of business; plus a ridiculous amount of people crochet or knit or sew their own clothing, hats and bags. Who wouldn't want some beautiful handmade buttons - right? Doesn't it defeat the purpose to add a crummy factory-produced plastic button to your hand-stitched wares? Sometimes the details are the best part, whether it's in your new short-brimmed hat, or in life.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Out with the old
When I first started at the market a year ago I didn't have any earrings for sale; now they're my best product and are completely monopolizing most of my display! I love it! What I love even more is when I sell a pair of earrings and they immediately get put on! Take that pair of factory crap out of your ears and stick in something locally handmade. Sometimes the pair that was taken out gets neglected to the point of being forgotten at my booth, as happened on Sunday. That, to me, is a moment of success.
My little heart earrings have been doing extremely well and this week I've got a few new colors. Stop by the market for a visit and check out the new pink and black hearts!
Here's hoping (again) for some sunny weather this weekend. I don't want to have to take out my handwarmers this time....
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hearts Times 3!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tree Love

The market went exceptionally well this weekend, not to mention two of my cityscape pieces (in previous blog posting) found new homes first thing on Saturday morning! My work is always cut out for me; we need cities and skies in every color combination imaginable! Pronto!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pink Cities, Green Skies...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
i heart Dr. Seuss
1) I had brought a handful of new earrings to the market this weekend and sold enough of them to convince me that I should make more. They're an adorable plant design and I've created them in lots of different colors. The base is a nice french vanilla, there's a sterling silver base to the plant, and then the flowers/tops are a mix of color. I love making them and think they will likely be a dependable product for the long-run. There is a quality to them that makes me think they won't be going out of style anytime soon. Plus I'm obsessed with this botanical collection and am unable to stop making them! They're so Dr. Seuss-esque!

3) My lovely, thoughtful, generous grandmother ordered some pieces from me as gifts to some nurses/techs who had recently cared for her. She is in love with these four ladies and is always talking about them, which is sweet in its own right. Below is a picture of the girls wearing their new jewels - I love seeing my glasswork on new people! Plus, glass doesn't like to be cooped up in the house - it really needs to be taken on daily walks and exercised regularly. Just because that necklace isn't going to bark or whine when it's hungry or bored doesn't mean it doesn't need attention. Trust me on this.
[I hope you wear your jewels often, ladies! Thanks for sending the pic! Love it!]

4) I looked up a tutorial on how to make a lightbox. I've been having trying times with taking macro photos lately so I gave the lightbox a shot. For only $5 you can build one yourself. I really haven't used it too much yet -- I'll have to play around with it, but at least the background looks good. Previously I'd just laid the pieces on a cloth, so you could see the cloth's texture which looked really bad.
5) I found a really delish banana nectar drink by the brand 'Looza'... which sounds a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying 'loser', in my mind.
Here's hoping for some gorgeous weather for the market this weekend!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Opening Weekend
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dino Jimmy

Back to the drawing board.
No wait! maybe instead of pressing the sugar concoction through a round hole they just shape the hole into a little dino, press it through, chop it off and presto! Right?! Does that work? Will I ever be free?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Spinning Colors

Friday, February 20, 2009
Quit Being so Matchy-Matchy
Typically I try to stay away from jewelry that is too matchy-matchy... but lately I've had a change of heart. And maybe it's for the better. There certainly are more than a handful of people out there who are looking for 'sets' of jewels.
I took this set out of my most recent batch that cooled down this morning. Lately I've been on a ring-making frenzy - which is good because I need to boost up my inventory in anticipation of the Saturday Market beginning.
These particular pieces display a fairly ideal reaction between the silver leaf rectangles and the base glass. You can see an abundance of light brown swirls extending from the perimeter of the silver. I'm slightly obsessed with this reaction because it seems to look both rustic and organic to me. Maybe I'm reaching here, but I really think it's justified. And I'm open to challengers...
One of the best designs in which to utilize this reaction is in pieces that are intended to look like plants/flowers. Since I tend to use the silver leaf for the base of the plant, the reaction is placed near the bottom of the piece, symbolizing soil.
Love it.
Here's hoping that tomorrow is another gorgeous sunny February day in Portland!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Oh the Possibilities..
A Final Meal
Monday, February 16, 2009
I Never Get the Swings Anymore

I broke my dremel today. Not only did it threaten my life, create a terrible burning smell, keep me from drilling until I find a replacement, and stress me out, but it's BROKEN! I realize that a negative, destructive event took place here today, but how is it really broken? I mean, I was drilling some new glass pieces and the hood cord on my sweatshirt became wrapped (very quickly) around the dremel. I was pretty panicked because my range of motion seemed restricted (I could only get so far away from the dremel since it was becoming .. attached to me). Fortunately, I was only being pulled into a mere dremel -- imagine if it was a huge piece of machinery! Or rather.. don't imagine that, instead think of pink ponies stopping for a bit of grass on their way to the rainbow party.
Later I diverted my attention to my camera in place of the dremel so that I could post something on etsy, but the battery in my camera died after only 2 pics! Why does it never warn me? And why does it seem to die every 2 or 3 days? It's not like I'm documenting the appearance of the sky at 6 minute intervals throughout the course of a week; I just need 5 good shots of a necklace. I'm really not asking for much.
The other day I went for a walk and I started craving the swings - I just wanted to sit down while remaining outside. So I headed over to the kid-and-parent- filled park and spotted my two empty swings. Score. So I strayed from the sidewalk and started cutting across the park, directly towards the swings. When I was about 30 feet away two little 4-ish-yr-old girls darted over to them. Ugh. Figures. I bypassed the swings and met back up with the sidewalk. Now I'm the sketchy girl who's walking in a very peculiar manner. AND I didn't get to swing.
Fortunately, tomorrow's a whole new day. And it always is.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ode to the Papercutter
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Cream is at the Bottom
How do they really make sprinkles for ice cream? I've been wondering this for years. Truly. They can't possibly make each one in a mold - especially since they are perfectly round and lack a flat area that would result from the top of a mold. And they can't really have been cut from a long skinny tube of sugar concoction because then the ends would be flat - and they're not; they're rounded. And they couldn't have been cut up into logs and then heated (to round the ends) because if the ends pulled in from the heat then they'd end up in a sphere - not an elongated cylinder.
But sprinkles aside, I recently received a special order for jewelry and it has sparked some new designs! I'm actually pretty pumped at the new bracelets and earrings that resulted from this interaction. I had done all of the glasswork last night and this morning I could hardly wait to open up my kiln. Amazingly EVERY THING turned out perfectly! I couldn't be happier with it. The funny thing is that even though I'm ecstatic with this new set, I can't be bothered to make a batch for myself! How silly! And by 'silly' I mean 'stupid'. What a stupid thing to do, Ashley. You should be wearing only your best pieces so that you can parade around town; a walking advertisement that looks unavoidably delicious and appealing; stop wearing the broken pieces!
Yet I'm unable to throw the 'mess-ups' away. I just can't do it. I'd much rather put them to use, hanging proudly - though tilted, or cracked, or just obviously imperfect - from my body.
It's hard to look your best when you're surrounded by wounded jewelry - I just want to save them all. Like the way you want to salvage that blob of cookie dough that drops onto your dirty floor; you're pick it up, unable to simply toss it into the trash, and scrape off the top layer since it clearly was not involved in the accident. Why do we turn out backs on the cream of the crop, just to 'rescue' the duds?
I don't have the answer. But if you see me at the bookstore, or the coffeeshop, I likely won't be wearing a symmetrical piece of perfection.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Face for my Jewels..