Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Chances

I discovered yesterday that the huge annual Catlin Gabel Rummage sale at the Expo Center is ending! This is the last year, after 65 consecutive years, that they will be having this event. Apparently Craigslist and Ebay aren't helping their cause. So make sure you go this year! Here are the hours:
Thursday, November 5: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (35 percent markup on all items)
Friday, November 6: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 7: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (25 percent discount all day)
Sunday, November 8: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (50 percent discount and bag sales all day)

Also, here is a little ditty about my stuff jumping into Splurge: Click This!

Well, it has been a rare, challenging week for glass; I've had two full kiln loads not turn out well. They will each have to be re-fired. Things haven't been heating evenly, or for long enough, plus I've been doing a little experimenting which is always tricky. All of these things added together have put me a little behind this week. Oy! But I suppose things can't always turn out perfectly. Next week will surely be better!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can You Move Your Horns, Please? They're, like, totally in my way

Okay, I realize this has little to do with anything, everything to do with nothing, anything to do with something, ...but check out these long-horned cattle! The photo above is from a recent trip to Texas -- the Fort Worth Stockyards. Imagine waking up in the morning and having to pick up that much weight just to lift your head off the pillow -- er, sawdust.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Playing Catch-Up

Oh dear. I see now that I haven't written much in the past month. Let me fill you in.

The beginning of October was filled with surprisingly good weekends at the Saturday Market. My display racks have been less than full for a little while and I find myself constantly playing catch-up to restock my wares during the week.

I put a batch of jewelry into Splurge, which happens to be one of the most adorable little gift stores in town. It was started by a bunch of market vendors a few years ago and houses a significant amount of market products. Check it out!

Quickly, I sped through 'The Time Traveller's Wife' which was rather phenomenal. I had a difficult time putting it down, which doesn't happen that often for me. Highly recommend it.

I'm planning on switching over from my website to etsy. That is, if I can just. get. started. on it.

Took a trip to the Tacoma Glass Museum in Washington; we had beautiful weather, free coffee and cookies at the rest stops, and were able to see some pretty impressive artwork. It's fun to try to think about how each piece was made.

Now I'm off to a wedding in Dallas at the end of the week and will get to see the fam!